Parent Association
WCS Parent Association Mission
To create a welcoming and vibrant school community
WCS Parent Association Purpose
Our Purpose is to be a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child at Waimea Country School.
We provide an avenue where parents of Waimea Country School students may share their ideas, knowledge, and/or concerns in constructive ways that lead to the betterment of the school and or the educational process.
With the help of Waimea Country School families and staff, we identify special projects to improve Waimea Country School. If needed, we will raise funds to support these projects for students’ enhanced education. No more than 1–2 projects will be worked on each year. The fundraising goals and events/fundraising methods may change each year depending on the projects.
We promote activities that enhance the joy and well-being of Waimea Country School students, ‘ohana and staff in a way that complements and enriches the learning environment.
All WCS parents/guardians are partners in their children’s education and encouraged to participate in the WCS PA. Parents/guardians who would like to share their talents and time are encouraged to submit their interest, skills, and availability to the current PA membership. The WCS Parent Association is led by a President who oversees projects and activities for the association. Ad hoc committees are formed as needed for event and project planning. If there is not a parent/guardian able to serve as PA President, 3 or fewer members may choose to be designated as a/the PA Leadership Team. The PA Leadership works directly with the Head of School to implement the mission of the association and meets with the WCS Board of Trustees 1-2 times per year.
Why volunteer at WCS?
We are ‘Ohana – as a member of our tight knit community of volunteers, you will directly support the maintenance of a positive and nurturing school environment for the entire student body.
A little goes a long way – volunteering doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” thing; if everyone pitches in to do what they can do, no matter how big or small, we share the workload for the benefit of all.
You have something to offer – everyone is good at something! What skills and passions can you bring to our school community? By sharing yourself, you enrich us all.
Your child benefits – studies show that children whose parents are active, visible members of their school have a more meaningful learning experience. And children love it!
Warm fuzzies – Not only will your child’s school experience be enhanced when you volunteer, but you’ll feel good, too. Doing for others feels right, and it’s contagious!
We offer volunteer opportunities, not obligations,
so please pick and choose how to participate. Mahalo!